Automotive Trends to Look Out for in 2022

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Do you enjoy keeping up with the automotive trends happening around us?

While auto shows and car events may have been quiet this last year, we’re here to tell you the industry is back on track, bringing with it exciting new trends for 2022.

From purchasing vehicles online to bleeding-edge tech developments, here are 5 automotive trends to look out for in 2022 brought to you by Cars Protection Plus.

1. Online Purchases Are In

Purchasing vehicles online, also known as digital dealing, is quickly becoming a regular sales practice. Ten years ago we’d have thought this was crazy – after all, isn’t part of the sales experience negotiating the price of a vehicle with a nagging salesperson? Instead, this new model of buying cars has increased tremendously in the U.S. since 2020.

Let’s think about the benefits:

  • You can purchase a vehicle in seconds
  • You can compare inventory from your couch
  • No need to negotiate with a salesperson
  • Decreases likelihood of you overpaying for a car

With online purchasing options, the price is the price and there is much less chance of a salesperson nagging potential buyers. This seems to have had a surprisingly positive effect on sales figures and customer satisfaction.

This online purchasing preference could lead to some industry adjustments. For instance, sales personnel could end up converting to product specialists or consultants. Dealerships will likely expand their online platforms to garner more traffic and encourage sales. This trend seems to be one that will only continue to grow as society becomes more and more tech-oriented.

2. Luxury Vehicle Subscription Fees Will Decrease

The subscription-based model of luxury vehicles is expected to become more affordable, and thereby attract a younger demographic. Subscriptions are like vehicle leases, but their contract terms are more flexible and shorter. Clients thereby have the opportunity to drive high-end vehicles for less financial and time commitment.

Younger people seem to be interested in this trend, as they get to drive cars that offer them greater status and driving pleasure. They are also less focused on vehicle ownership than previous generations.

Other reasons this is an attractive option for younger people includes:

  • These car subscriptions typically include maintenance and repairs.
  • Anyone can apply for a luxury vehicle subscription online.
  • Car value depreciates the second you drive it out of the dealership. Younger generations don’t want the commitment buying a new car brings.

And finally, as trends seem to be leaning towards electric cars, people don’t want to be saddled with outdated models they won’t be able to sell in a few years. Which brings us to our next point…

3. Electric Vehicles Rise Above Competition

In 2020, there were more than 10 million electric cars on the road. Several manufacturers are phasing out gas vehicles, and plan to move over completely to electric vehicles between 2030 and 2040. So, from now onwards, you’re likely to see a lot more EVs on the roads and in your automotive news.

The only thing holding this trend back is the lack of widespread charging infrastructure. The state reportedly aims to address this by setting up a national network by 2030. If it all goes according to plan, charging stations will be more widespread in public spaces as well as at business premises and housing complexes.

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4. High-Tech is Hotter than Ever

Digital technology is now a major aspect of vehicle manufacturing. Luxury cars are extremely digitally complex nowadays and setting up their digital systems can require convoluted coding. Some vehicles notify owners when there are system upgrades available, just like your PC or phone do. Experts predict automotive Android and iOS systems are not too far away.From now on, each year is expected to bring significant and exciting automotive digital advances.

5. Healthy Living Features are on the Rise

As part of the expansion of high-tech automotive features, manufacturers are looking into creating vehicle features that feed the body, mind and soul. Yes, we are referring to well-being benefits for drivers while they’re on the road!

For instance, massaging car seats are trending. They have been around for a while and expected to be made more accessible due to their popularity. This nifty feature helps keep passengers comfortable and calm, especially on long drives. The massage function helps improve circulation, reduce stress, and helps elevate moods — useful for when stuck in traffic.

Another healthy living feature is cleaner air. Air pollution analysis and purification could be on the rise. This feature would assess the air quality outside the vehicle, and adjust it to be more pure and healthy within the vehicle.

The Takeaway

The automotive industry is going through a lot of changes right now. Most of these advancements are in response to the global move towards digital technology and online practices. It’s an interesting time to be alive and following these automotive trends!

The Most Expensive Car Repairs to Make

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Car problems are often costly and unexpected. Remembering when parts of your vehicle have been serviced or replaced will help you to keep up with maintenance that can prevent premature repairs.

But accidents happen, and aging wears down the most used systems in your vehicle. Of course, you can save yourself from spending your savings on these expensive repairs with warranties like those offered by Cars Protection Plus. However, you can also be prepared by knowing how much it costs to repair or replace important parts of your vehicle.

Below we cover the types of repairs vehicle owners should expect to make as their car ages and which are the most expensive or complicated to complete.

Cylinder Replacement

The engine cylinders are the most costly part of the engine to replace. Cars Protection Plus reports that a full replacement can run as high as $7,000 to $10,000 depending on the vehicle.

Installing a new engine may be the cheapest option in some scenarios and requires less labor. Replacing the cylinders requires the mechanic to remove the entire engine to replace the part, then put it back into the vehicle. So, the extensive labor to complete the job makes up the bulk of the replacement cost.

Engine Replacement

The cost of a full engine replacement depends on several factors, including:

  • The size and complexity of the engine
  • The hourly rate at the shop you take your vehicle to
  • Whether the engine you purchase is new, rebuilt or used

The price estimate for a new engine is between $4,000 to $7,000 based on complexity and brand. You will have to pay more for a performance engine installation in a luxury car or a vehicle with a diesel engine.

A vehicle’s engine life expectancy relies on many factors, including maintenance and how the parts are made. Poor maintenance or an accident can cause it to be replaced prematurely and lead to these expensive repairs sooner than you expected.

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Transmission Rebuild

A failed transmission will prevent you from driving your vehicle. The power from your engine will not be converted properly and create the energy the wheels need to move. Replacing an entire transmission system can range between $4,000 to $5,000.

The price of a transmission system rebuild or replacement is so expensive because the systems are complex. The price will go up for luxury vehicles or if the system needs to be rebuilt after a complete breakdown.

Regular servicing to flush the transmission fluid or replace it will prevent it from needing to be replaced early. How often the fluid should be replaced depends on the model and can be found in the owner’s manual.

Vehicle warranties may offer different protection plans depending on whether you have an automatic or manual transmission.

Suspension Repair

The suspension system of your vehicle contains many parts that absorb shock from the road as you drive. This shock absorption is a major factor in causing damage to your suspension.

The cost of repairs is determined by:

  • The make and model of your vehicle
  • The severity of the damage done to your vehicle
  • The brand of the parts used in the replacement

This puts costs anywhere between $1,000-$5,000.

Again, repairs to a luxury car will be more expensive, but an older car that is badly rusted underneath will require a longer labor period for a mechanic to access the necessary part of the vehicle.

Replacing a Head Gasket

The head gasket forms a seal in between the cylinder head and engine head. It prevents combustion gases, oil, and coolant inside the engine. This relatively small part is a crucial element in keeping your vehicle running and can cost between $1,200 to $2,000.

The labor costs associated with the part are the biggest contributor to the repair cost. Replacing a head gasket is a timely task and requires a different procedure for every vehicle. Your vehicle will still work with a blown head gasket but will lead to other systems in the engine failing if it is not repaired soon after symptoms are noticeable.

Your vehicle’s warranty may cover the cost of seals and gaskets under specific circumstances.

The Bottom Line

Vehicle part replacement and repairs are costly and can create a massive burden. But, unfortunately, there’s no way around it: as cars age, parts required to make your car function will deteriorate and become faulty, sometimes leading to expensive and complicated repairs.

However, having a car warranty can help offset some of these expensive car repairs. Carefully read the service agreement of your warranty contract to be ready in an emergency. Familiarize yourself with the maintenance required to keep your vehicle running smoothly to avoid premature repairs and replacements for as long as possible.